Pemrograman Game with Godot
Game development is a process that includes various stages to create digital games that can be played on various platforms such as computers, consoles, and mobile devices. This process involves various disciplines including design, programming, graphic arts, music, and story writing. At its core, game development is about creating interactive experiences that entertain, educate, or inspire players. Game Programming Training using Godot will teach you about Introduction to Godot, Godot Working Concept, Basic Programming, Creating Game Projects, 2D, 3D Game Projects.
Big Data Analysis & Technology Concepts
This course explores a range of the most relevant topics that pertain to contemporary analysis practices, technologies and tools for Big Data environments. The course content does not get into implementation or programming details, but instead keeps coverage at a conceptual level, focusing on topics that enable participants to develop a comprehensive understanding of the common analysis functions and features offered by Big Data solutions, as well as a high-level understanding of the back-end components that enable these functions.
DMPC (Digital Marketing Professional Certificate) by Certiprof
Digital Marketing Professional Certificate DMPCTM Program provides a detailed understanding about Digital Marketing concepts, strategies and implementation,
including email and Search Engine Optimization (SEO) campaigns, Pay-per-click (PPC) campaigns, social marketing, retargeting and integrating digital marketing with traditional marketing.
DMBOK (Data Management Body of Knowledge)
DMBOK is a data management guide issued by Dama International.This training introduces how DMBOK can be adopted to manage data in a company or organization. Participants will learn how to organize data governance in several knowledge areas in data management. Participants will also learn how to synchronize data management with the enterprise architecture framework. After the training is completed, participants are expected to have an understanding of data management so that they can maximize the value of data for the company or organization.
Penandatanganan Lisensi KTI BRIN - Rekhatama
Penandatanganan 3 Lisensi KTI by BRIN - Rekhatama
PT. Rekhindo Pratama menandatangani Nota Kesepahaman (Memorandum of Understanding/MoU) bersama Deputi Bidang Sumber Daya Manusia IPTEK Badan Riset dan Inovasi Indonesia (BRIN) tentang 8 lisensi pelatihan meliputi Karya Tulis Ilmiah (KTI) Nasional, KTI Internasional, KTI Populer, Penyusunan Naskah Kebijakan, Manajemen Pemanfaatan Iptek, Pembibitan dan Pertamanan, serta Proteksi dan Keselamatan Radiasi Bagi Pekerja.
Apa itu Godot? Pengenalan Godot
Pengenalan Godot: Mengembangkan Game dengan Engine yang Fleksibel dan Terbuka
- Read more about Apa itu Godot? Pengenalan Godot
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Audit Infrastruktur dan Aplikasi SPBE (Gelombang 8)
Audit Infrastruktur dan Aplikasi SPBE
Audit Infrastruktur dan Aplikasi Sistem Pemerintahan Berbasis Elektronik
Pelatihan Audit Infrastruktur dan Aplikasi Sistem Pemerintahan Berbasis Elektronik (AIA SPBE) bertujuan untuk meningkatkan kompetensi SDM Pelaksana Audit dan Pengelola TIK terhadap Infrastruktur dan Aplikasi SPBE. Pelatihan ini merupakan pelatihan yang berlisensikan BRIN
Microsoft Excel Fundamental
Learn to use Excel to create, modify, and format Excel worksheets, perform calculations, and print Excel workbooks. You then learn to use advanced formulas, work with lists, work with illustrations and charts, and use advanced formatting techniques.
Audit Kertas Kerja
Audit Kertas kerja adalah berbagai catatan yang diselenggarakan oleh auditor mengenai prosedur audit yang ditempuh-nya, pengujian yang dilakukannya, informasi yang diperolehnya, dan analisis serta kesimpulan yang dibuatnya sehubungan dengan audit-nya.
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Halo Rekhatizen! Rekhatama kembali dengan program sertifikasi internasional. Dapatkan 2 hari training Digital Marketing Professional Certificate (DMPC) atau Business Intelligence Foundation Professional Certificate (BIFPC) oleh CertiProf sudah termasuk "FREE EXAM".